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They sentenced a man who sexually abused his underage daughter

A 44-year-old man was sentenced to 22 years in prison for sexually abusing his own daughter – a minor – in the city of Santa Fe.

The sentence was imposed unanimously by a court made up of judges Martín Torres, Leandro Lazzarini and Pablo Busaniche in the framework of an oral trial that ended this morning in the courts of the provincial capital.

The investigation that led to the conviction was carried out by the Special Prosecutor Unit for Gender, Family and Sexual Violence (Gefas) of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office 1. After reading the verdict, the MPA indicated that “although the fundamentals remain to be known of the ruling, in principle we are satisfied with what was resolved”, and stressed that “the sentence imposed is only one year less than what we had requested.


The Prosecutor’s Office maintained that “the condemned man repeatedly abused his daughter in a house”, and specified that “he sexually assaulted her for approximately a year, at the time when she was going to kindergarten.”

“The man took advantage of the vulnerable condition in which the victim was at the time of the attacks,” it was stated. “The illegal acts implied situations of real subjugation, denigration and humiliation for the girl,” she remarked.

Likewise, the MPA stated that “due to the bond between the convicted person and his daughter, the ages of both, and the characteristics of the abuse, the criminal conduct was sufficiently important to negatively affect the physical and psychological health of the girl.”

Criminal classification

The victim’s father was sentenced as the perpetrator of qualified seriously insulting sexual abuse (by the link).


The initials of the convicted person are DFM. His full name is not provided to avoid re-victimizing his daughter, who shares his last name.

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