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They set a new hearing date to review the conviction of sexual abuse of Lucas Puig

After the suspension, the Court of Criminal Cassation of the province of Buenos Aires has already set a new hearing requested by the defense of the music teacher Lucas Manuel Puigsentenced in the first instance to 35 years in prison, after being found guilty of at least two sexual abuses of minors who attended the Kindergarten of the San Benjamín de Los Hornos School, between 2009 and 2010. The defendant’s lawyers will once again request the acquittal.

After the sentence handed down by the Oral Criminal Court I of La Plata, the defense presented a habeas corpus to achieve the freedom of his assistant, understanding that he was always available to Justice and that there are no procedural risks. Despite the new effort of that part, the La Plata Justice once again confirmed that the convicted person will continue behind bars serving the sentence imposed, at least until a higher court defines otherwise.

After the appeal filed before the higher court, from Chamber V of Cassation it was ordered that the hearing be held next Thursday, May 4 “with the appearance of the accused and the parties”, as detailed in the judicial document to which he agreed. It is a hearing to improve the appeal against the sentence handed down that was already presented after the conviction.

Chamber V was integrated for the treatment of this case by the judges Victor Violini, Ricardo Maidana y Carlos Angel Natiello.

The sentence to the music teacher came out unanimously by the Court for “abuse sexual with seriously insulting carnal access aggravated by being in charge of their education in ideal contest with corruption of minors aggravated by being in charge of their education” in both cases, while the immediate arrest was ordered. Puig, who had arrived at the trial free after being acquitted in another trial held in 2015, has already been left behind bars.

On the other hand, a case was opened against the teacher Silvina Díaz, alleged accomplice of the teacher.

After the sentence handed down on August 30, 2022, a teaching sector carried out a 24-hour strike in repudiation of the judicial decision. The measure of force was criticized by mothers and fathers of students as from another educational sector.

On other occasions they held mobilizations in the town of Los Hornos and to the headquarters of the Court of Cassation to express their support for Puig, who was prosecuted by the prosecutor Virginia Bravo. In the oral trial, the accusation was supported by the prosecutor Martin Chiorazzi and the lawyers Flavio Gliemmo, Marcelo Botindari, Martin Bolpe y Julio Beley.

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