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They set the date for the blood test on Lolo Regueiro’s shirt

“I know that my husband will not be returned to me anymore, I want them to go to jail. If Gabriel Pellegrino (former gymnastics president) resold tickets and everything they say he did, it will be his fault. But the Police repressed four meters and a half”. the one who speaks is Claudia Nievasthe wife of Lolo Regueirothe fan of Gym what died in the middle of the fierce repression that the Buenos Aires unleashed in the previous match against Boca Juniors on the night of October 6, 2022.

in dialogue with 221RadioNievas confirmed that on May 9 the Justice will compare the blood that they took from the shirt that Lolo had on the day the events occurred. “The shirt has human blood and is male. I saw 57 photos of my husband. We always looked at the front but when we saw the back I say ‘not my husband’. Looking at the photos, we noticed the blood on the neck and two blows: one at the base of the neck and the other above, “she explained, adding: “You can see some pellets on his back”.

Regarding the blood test, Claudia expressed her dissatisfaction since “the four tubes that were extracted from her during the first autopsy and she is still in Lomas de Zamora”, and clarified: “The result is still not there.”

In this sense, he pointed out that together with his family, friends and fans of Gymnastics they continue to ask for the change of the cover of “culpable damage” to “aggravated intentional damage”. “The penalty for the crime of the current title is from two to five years and in this way no one would go to jail,” he said.

In turn, she remembered the days after the death of her husband in the previous duel between the Wolf and the Xeneize. “Those days were quite complicated because we had the shirt with blood and we wanted to deliver it. Judge Agustín Crispo took 21 days to accept me as a victim, I handed in the shirt at the Prosecutor’s Office and they received it”he stressed.

Notoriously distressed by the few advances in the case investigating the incident, Nievas recalled that in some videos that Pellegrino gave her, she and her family warned that at “00:05 a robust woman with difficulty walking and with a cart gathered pods and cartridges. She and two other people were doing that in the part of the Bosque monument and at gates 14, 21 and H, the gate where Lolo left. They were like this for several hours and nobody told them anything.”he highlighted.

Finally, he pointed out that the Police continued to repress when leaving the stadium Juan Carmelo Zerillo although the triperos fans asked that the tear gas and rubber bullets stop. “My husband went to a party and found a manhunt”hill.

Such as reported on March 26 the family of the victim requested the change of legal classification of the case and the arrests of the head of the Agency for the Prevention of Violence in Sports Shows (Aprevide), edward aparicio; of the former president of the club Mens Sana, Gabriel Pellegrino along with its entire board of directors and the police chiefs Juan Manuel Gorbaran y Sebastian Alejandro Perea.

Before resolving, the judge gave transfer to the prosecutor John Menucciwho did not share the lawyer’s criteria Matias Pablo Vidal, which maintains that it was an “aggravated malicious damage”. With the two positions on the bench, the one who must resolve the future of the file is the guarantor magistrate Augustine Crispo.

“Among the functions of APREVIDE is to evaluate the risks of the match, that was not done and it was what produced the outcome, also the match was played in a stadium with poor building facilities”Vidal explained and then pointed out that “in the Police there was a hierarchical responsibility, that of those who gave the order, that is why we aimed at that and it is clear in the cause.”

Vidal considered that “from the change of the legal figure we will be able to request the arrest of those responsible” and pointed to the former president of Gymnastics who “authorized the delivery of some 3,300 protocol entries” outside the approved capacity. “Gabriel Pellegrino is very complicated by the resale of protocol ticketshis responsibility is more than evident”. The arrest request reaches “the Board of Directors of the Club Gimnasia y Esgrima de la Plata with a mandate in force on the date of the event,” as detailed in the judicial documentation to which this medium accessed.

The first prosecutor in the case was Martin Almiron who framed the facts as “intentional damage”. Later, with the change of prosecutor and after analyzing the facts, it was rebranded as “culpable havoc.” Between these two figures pivot the legal actors in the case. “We agree with the description of the case, but we differ in the legal framework,” said lawyer Vidal.

In the file, along with Pellegrino, Aparicio, Perea and Gorbarán have already been prosecuted, but for “intentional damage”. On the other hand, the prosecution of Pellegrino is the gateway to other possible accusations of former leaders of Gymnastics for the crime of “illicit association” which points to a potential overselling of tickets in that match. As this medium reported, this is an open line of investigation in which there are still no formal accusations, but the testimonies mentioned gave it strength in the future.

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