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They stole a plane in Chaco and fell into a field: five people died

The property where the accident occurred and the investigators worked (Diario Norte)

A aircraft that was hijacked of the flying club of the city of villa angela (only seven kilometers from that city) fell in a field and all its occupants died. The incident, which occurred at 2:30 in the morning on Wednesday, occurred when a plane Cessna, model 206 -a high wing single engine with capacity for four people – fell to the ground.

As reported by Northern newspaperfrom Chaco, the criminals who stole the aircraft would have forgot to open the passage of gasoline for which the plane ran out of fuel and fell into the void after taking flight. “The plane has a closing system that is hidden and, when they took off, they forgot to open that ‘tap’ and they ran out of gasoline, not everyone knows where that fuel passage is,” the witnesses explained to the same medium.

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“If it fell in the city, it would be a tragedy,” said the prosecutor. Sergio Rioswho was present at the scene along with the police authorities and experts.

The engine of the plane that crashed in the Chaco countryside (Diario Norte)

Sources of the investigation reported that one of the occupants was thrown from the plane, which caused him instant death, and the rest of the passengers perished incinerated after the ship crashed. set fire in the air and crashed in lot 11. According to the first testimonies collected, two laborers – who notified the police – observed how the ship was losing altitude and collided.

According to the authorities, the identification of the bodies will be a difficult task due to the deterioration of the corpses, but it is known -according to sources accessed by Diario Norte- that the aircraft is owned by the businessman Roger Martindedicated to agriculture and livestock, and that the criminals were part of a Paraguayan drug criminal organization. A clue to this were several guaraníes found (the official currency of Paraguay) as well as a soccer club cap. Cerro Porteño.

The hijacked pistol among the rest of the aircraft (Diario Norte)

The hypotheses of why the robbery for the moment is a mystery, although something that caught the attention of the investigators is that inside the aircraft a 40 caliber pistol and a satellite phone.

According to sources in the case, quoted by the Chaco newspaper, the criminals they broke one of the gates of the flying club with a crowbar and then they vandalized the hangar door using pliers. In addition, they deactivated one of the video surveillance cameras although they forgot another, which will be key to analyzing the material and including it in the file and thus trying to discover the identity of the thieves.

Plane crash in Chaco

This is not the first case of the theft of an aircraft on Chaco soil. On the last December 25, 2022, the Resistance Flying Club was also the victim of a criminal act in which they would have participated drug traffickers who fled to Bolivia.

Near the Chaco town of Basail, a plane Cessna 206 Stationair license plate LV-KEYbelonging to the employer Roberto Nardelli, was kidnapped from the airfield. According to the first investigations, the criminals broke the padlock, refueled and took off.

According to the air log, the plane flew for about five hours and landed in Bolivia (about 300 kilometers from the border with Paraguay) precisely until Carmen Rivero Torrez, a municipality of just over 6,000 inhabitants in the province of German Busch. About the use they gave to the aircraft (valued at 350 thousand dollars), it would be that of the drug transfer.

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