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They supported 80 road agents during the return to school

Juarez City.- In total there were 80 agents of the General Coordination of Road Safety who were deployed in the crossings of the main roads this Monday back to school to continue with the white balance that has been had so far, the corporation reported.

Likewise, there were 3,757 parents who supported the 101 school brigades that formed for road assistance after the end of the Easter holidays.

Through the cruise work and the road safety support provided in nearly 60 educational establishments, as well as with the routine tours, it was how the highway police officers guided the families from Juarez who returned to normal activities in the schools.

These actions, which are permanently implemented throughout the school year, are carried out mainly during the hours of entry and exit of educational institutions, which go from 06:00 to 08:00 and from 15:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Road Safety maintains the call to parents so that during these types of activities they remember to leave home early, pay attention to speed limits, respect pedestrian crossings and not double park outside schools, walk on the sidewalks, always cross the corners, as well as attend to the instructions of the agents at all times.

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