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They suspended the summit of mayors and Kicillof shows his chest with his candidacy

Kicillof, during one of his last activities in pinamar / governorate

The summit of mayors of the PJ that was going to meet over the weekend in the Partido de la Costa, was aborted. Designed to form a league of mayors with the premise of influencing the assembly of the lists but with the additional objective of showing teeth to Axel Kicillof, it ended up being a summer feint.

This is a strong political fact because the one who was motorizing the movement was Martín Insaurralde, the Buenos Aires chief of staff who does not hide his aspirations to go for the Governor’s office with a certain wink from La Cámpora. The reason for the suspension seems unclear. “There are many vacation companions,” they justify in some suburban districts. The excuse appears flimsy if one takes into account that the meeting had been planned for months and towards the end of the year it was confirmed in sources linked to the organizers that it would take place on Saturday the 21st.

In one way or another, the summit will not finally take place and what some leaders of Peronism interpreted as the initial kick to put Insaurralde on the field definitively, will not crystallize for now. There are those who believe that it could be refloated by February, a month in which the PJ usually holds meetings in front of the sea to warm up the engines. In short, the launch of the promoted league of the mayors ended up slowing down. According to reports, there will be a meeting next month in Santa Teresita, but under the umbrella of a call from the Buenos Aires PJ with the presence of Máximo Kirchner

Close to Axel Kicillof, even without charging against the figure of Insaurralde, they interpreted that they had obtained a political victory in the race for his re-election. Strictly speaking, there have been some movements in recent weeks that perhaps contributed to deflating the summit. The Governor obtained the public support of several mayors of the Conurbano, among them, that of the historic Juan José Mussi (Berazategui) and Jorge Ferraresi (Avellaneda). There are those who say that there were discreet efforts for those pronouncements to see the light.

The league move did not appear supported by Fernando Espinoza (La Matanza), historically faced with the Lomense. Lieutenant Governor Verónica Magario also made her own gesture and appeared on Thursday in Pinamar together with the Buenos Aires president. Neither was Fernando Gray (Esteban Echeverría) on that ship, who was at odds with Máximo Kirchner. In short, the powerful Third Buenos Aires electoral section, where Peronism concentrates its broad electoral base in the Province, appeared divided.

That x-ray may not be the only reason for the suspension of activity in the Partido de la Costa. Although it seems a weight element.

The truth is that the tactical withdrawal of the mayors who seek to impose one of their own in the place of Kicillof, made the Governor’s sides stand out. As soon as the news of the suspension of the launch was known, official plants began to disseminate a menu of recent polls that coincide in one specific aspect: in a hypothetical Pass between Kicillof and Insaurralde, the Governor would prevail by a very wide margin.

The diffusion does not seem innocent: it aims to reaffirm the official idea that the current president is the best candidate for the Province.

These movements occur in tune with some slightly more forceful definitions of the president. Although he avoids the confirmation that he will be a candidate, he began to give more forceful signals regarding his political desires for the election year. “I’m ready to do another mandate because I like it, I think we put together a very good team, that we have government policies,” he said. Although he said that it is not a personal decision. “It will be resolved together, not me with the pillow,” he completed.

In the midst of the official tussles, the suspension of the mayors’ summit allowed him to stick out his chest.

Several district chiefs had come out in recent days to support Kicillof

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