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They took advantage of the fact that Petro is “the boss” to ask him to order “the dismissal of Harold Rivera”

Daniel Samper asked Gustavo Petro to “order the dismissal” of coach Harold Rivera. Photos Colprensa

Harold Rivera staggers again in the position of Technician in Santa Fewho lost on Thursday May 4 against academic 2-0 in the South American Conmebolin Limewhich has the team with only four points and close to being eliminated in the international tournament.

Since then, hundreds of fans have come out demanding the departure of the coach due to the irregular campaign with the cardinalsamong them the journalist and comedian daniel samperone of the most famous fans of the red-and-white team, who does not want Rivera on the bench either.

The communicator went beyond the situation and took advantage of the president’s statement Gustavo Petrowho said he was “head” of the Prosecutor Francisco Barbosaso that he takes advantage of that supposed position and fires the technician of Santa Fe, but the comment did not go down well with the president.

Petro unleashes controversy for saying he is the head of prosecutor Barbosa

daniel samper responded to a post by Snail Radio in Twitter about the declaration of President Gustavo Petrowho assured that he was the “boss” of the Prosecutor Francisco Barbosa because the Colombians chose him as head of state and that the Constitution protected him.

The communicator took advantage of the topic to ask him, with a sarcastic and humorous touch, to use that power to fire Harold Rivera as Santa Fe technicianwhose fans have spoken in networks so that the helmsman no longer continues in the club.

The journalist Daniel Samper asked Gustavo Petro to “dismiss” coach Harold Rivera in Santa Fe

“As head of state, Petro is also head of Santa Fe and should order the dismissal of Harold Rivera,” were the words of Samper Ospina on his Twitter account and hundreds of users responded to the post with some supporting him and others criticizing the idea.

Gustavo Petrowho has been very active on Twitter, responded to daniel samper for the proposal that he order the dismissal of Harold Rivera and he did not take it in the best way, but explained to the journalist that this was not possible because said institution “does not belong to the State.”

“My dear Daniel, the Santa Fe does not belong to the State. There is a separation in a democratic country between State and Society. The owner of the State is the Society, that is: The People”, was the trill of the Head of State and the comedian told him “don’t throw it on deaf ears” and even touched on the subject of National Development Plan.

President Gustavo Petro, in a serious tone, responded to Daniel Samper for asking him to dismiss the Santa Fe coach

“Something must be done in the National Development Plan that allows it to remove that DT; we deserve a coach who, like you, wants to make changes, especially in midfield; that he plays with the reserves as if they were oil. Free us from the yoke of millionaires! So it’s time to nationalize the team, please. Take care of him, get Rivera out!” Samper wrote.

Samper responded to Petro’s refusal to dismiss Harold Rivera

Rumors about leaving Harold Rivera They increased during Friday, May 5, when it was said on social networks that the coach was fired after the defeat of Santa Fe in the South American Conmebol but it was denied in Snail Radio.

The program The Vbar Snail reported that the box Cardinal ratified the coach from Santa Fe to lead the match against millionaireson Sunday, May 7, and that can reverse the bad sports situation that allows them to qualify for the semifinal home runs.

Emanuel Herrera opened the scoring for the Peruvians for the Conmebol Sudamericana. Video DirectTV

It should be remembered that Santa Fe is eighth in the betplay league with 23 points in 16 games and in the South American Conmebol It is located third in group H with four units, after three days, so the team is still alive in both competitions.

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