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“They want to play more games to earn more money”: Carlo Ancelotti is also against the number of preseason games

"They want to play more games to earn more money": Carlo Ancelotti is also against the number of preseason games

The Italian coach of Real Madrid Carlo Ancelotti referred this Friday to the recent statements by his Spanish colleague Pep Guardiola on the number of preseason games.

“Totally agree with what Guardiola has said (…) IThey try to improve the quality of the show by adding more minutes and games, it’s quite simple, to improve the quality you have to remove quantity”sentenced the merengue coach in a press conference prior to the match between Real Madrid and Almería for the second date of the Spanish soccer league.

The strategist assured that “the problem is that the coaches and players don’t paint anything. Whoever decides sees that football does not seem so entertaining and They want to play more games to earn more money, when they have to take away to improve quality”.

Guardiola was critical with the calendars
Credit: JUSTIN TALLIS | AFP/Getty Images

On the other hand, “Carletto” assured that in the end it is the players “those who suffer more injuries and cannot contribute to the level of quality what they have. Sometimes they are affected by injuries. I don’t know when it’s going to change, until the players get tired it’s hard for it to change”.

The Spanish Pep Guardiola complained last weekend about the number of matches after confirming the injury of one of his key players, the Belgian Kevin De Bruynewho will be out for three or four months after suffering a hamstring injury against Burnley on the first day of the Premier League.

“In my first preseason with Barça I had 25 days to prepare for the first official match to qualify for the Champions League that year, which we ended up winning. Now they give you four days, five days… and in the end look how many crossed” Guardiola commented on the little rest time between seasons.

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