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They warn about the collection of Maratea: “What Independiente does is prohibited”

A C5N journalist put in check the movement of Santiago Maratea who seeks to save the club with a “solidarity collection”. what is your explanation

By iProfessional

29/04/2023 – 10,15hs

According to Cherquis Bialothe historic sports journalist, Independent you cannot use the money to save yourself from complying with the rules because affects the rules of “fair play”.

“What Independent is doing breaks the balance of Fair Play imposed by FIFA. Is prohibited“, affirmed Ernesto Cherqius Vialo.

The journalist put in check the movement of Santiago Maratea who seeks to save the club with a “solidarity collection”. The initiative launched this Wednesday by the influencer seeks to raise 20 million dollars to pay the debts of Club Atlético Independent of Avellaneda.


Collection for Independent: how much will Maratea pay to AFIP

If there is something that the “influencer of solidarity collections” Santiago Maratea has plenty of, it is notaries, accountants and lawyers. He thus structured many collections of money for different causes. The last one is taking place these days: US$20 million to pay the foreign debts of Club Atlético Independiente. And if Maratea succeeds, he will do it without the people contributing anything or almost nothing to the AFIP.

But, in Argentina, the charity is done by the State and the private person who earns money is bad. Thus, the demonization of someone like Santiago Maratea, the influencer who adds followers and monetizes his networks after running solidarity campaigns, was inevitable.

As a consequence, unlikely versions of alleged AFIP sources emerged, stating that The agency “will request reports” for the collection. The AFIP is there to collect taxes, it is not the moral police of the economy, and it only does ex post inspections of the taxpayers’ activity, to verify that there was no evasion.

Surveys show how the second or third problem for people consistently is corruption, and so the suspicion is logical. In addition, it is one thing to raise money for the Corrientes firefighters in a time of terrible forest fires, and another, set up a trust of which Maratea will make the remunerated trustee (administrator).

Maratea acknowledged in statements to the press that the trust fund he set up to receive donations from Independientes fans determined to save the club from bankruptcy that, on the first day, from this Thursday to this Friday, they reached $471 million, it will cost 5%.

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