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They will analyze with the federal cabinet the performance of the National Guard in Tamaulipas

The Bicameral Commission for the Evaluation and Follow-up of the Permanent Armed Forces in Public Security Tasks will meet next Monday with the federal security cabinet and, among other issues, reported Ricardo Monreal Ávila, the actions of elements of the Guard will be reviewed Nacional (GN) in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, last Sunday, who allegedly fired at civilians aboard a truck, leaving three dead.

This is one of the topics we are going to review. This and I was also raised in Veracruz and Campeche by some incidents that resulted in serious actions against citizens.

“What I can assure you is that there will be no impunity, in the Senate we are going to take care of that, we are going to make way for the corresponding investigation,” the president of the Political Coordination Board (JCP) of the Senate responded to Specific question about the recent case registered in Nuevo Laredo.

The scheduled meeting of federal senators and deputies that make up the bicameral commission, which he also chairs, he assured at a press conference from Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, will be with the secretaries of National Defense, the Navy and Citizen Security and Protection, Luis Cresencio Sandoval , José Rafael Ojeda Durán and Rosa Icela Rodríguez, respectively, and with the commander of the GN, David Córdova.

GN shots

Local media reported last Sunday that elements of the National Guard would have shot at a truck with license plates from Texas, United States.

Yesterday, the president of the Nuevo Laredo Human Rights Committee, Raymundo Ramos, told local media that more than 80 casings were found at the scene.

Following the events in which the three people died, including a minor eight months pregnant, the National Guard has not ruled on the events.

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