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They will make a fair for the benefit of Aylen

Juarez City.- In search of raising funds for the medical studies and surgeries of Aylen Ramírez, the charity San Judas Tadeo will hold a fair this May 14 to support the family of the child under six years of age, who was born with an anorectal malformation and tethered spinal cord .

José Ramírez, the girl’s father, mentioned that they need the resources to have an MRI performed and, if all goes well, proceed to the minor’s bowel and anus reconstruction surgery.

The event will take place at 420 Granito Street in the Morelos neighborhood and will have gorditas, enchiladas, hamburgers and chilindrinas, among other snacks, for sale starting at 12:00 noon.

“He has been treated at ISSSTE, but for us as a family it has been very difficult, since he still has five more surgeries to go; The resources that I request are to do a study, which is an MRI to verify if the back surgery worked,” said Ramírez.

“After she is discharged, the neurosurgeon continues the reconstruction surgeries of her anus and intestine,” added the father of the family.

Juan Miguel Rojas, founder of the charity, explained that they found out about Aylen’s case through social networks, since the father of the minor contacted them to request the support they have given him with two fairs.

He explained that the intention of the organization is to support the families that need it the most, especially those minors who face some illness or condition, who due to low resources are not cared for.

“Helping is something very nice, giving without receiving anything in return, the same parents who have supported them have come across children and their families in need in hospitals, they tell them that we can offer them support,” said Rojas.

If you wish to support this case, you can also do so with a transfer to the card number 4152 3140 2254 8807 BBVA or to Clave 012 180 01533933100 0.

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