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They will monitor the Mayan Train even with drones

Antonio Baranda and Claudia Guerrero/ Reform Agency

Monday, January 23, 2023 | 08:46

CDMX.- The Secretary of National Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, reported that Section 2 of the Mayan Train, which goes from Escárcega to Calkiní, will be monitored by drones to guarantee the safety of passengers.

In a conference, the Sedena reported that federal forces will take control of the security of the archaeological zones and that National Guard facilities will be built near stations and tourist sites.

“Regarding the security in Section Two, it will be carried out through the types of security, operational, with all the signaling, monitoring, communications, control center and physical systems, through the presence of the National Guard that will be in the facilities, the ones juxtaposed to railway and tourist facilities will be built, they will provide security to the archaeological zones, to the stations, whereabouts, hotels, airports, everything that this type of facility is”.

“Through patrols on the tracks, establishment of detachments and also on board the train. In this Section Two, 375 elements of the National Guard will be deployed to provide this security, supported by the Augusta helicopters that will be in the area and also through of drones to guarantee the safety of the users of this system,” said General Sandoval.

Last week, the National Defense announced that security along the entire route of the Mayan Train, including wagon surveillance, will be in charge of approximately 5,000 members of the National Guard and the Mexican Air Force, which includes also the use of helicopters.

Throughout the entire route -which includes the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo- special facilities will be built for the National Guard.

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