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Think long term: 3 blockchain investments for this 2023

The bull run that is approaching with the next halving gives Bitcoin greater profitability in the long term (REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/File Photo)

Each person who works with the market and the trading, managing their investments and following the opportunities, knows that the context is one of the main frameworks to study. 2022, despite being a bearish year, shows us, however, that there is still a lot to explore and capitalize on in the emerging crypto market.

Like the rest of the markets, the crypto world is based on the long term, the confidence towards the consolidation of digital trends and the bet on them. In this sense, taking stock of 2022 allows us to consider the paths to be exploited in 2023, understanding that crises are new windows of opportunity.

Indeed, the end of 2022 was marked by a succession of blows, financial and/or media, that made noise within the crypto world. The communication and the configuration of meaning about this market still falls on the extremes: those who promise incomparable fortunes and opportunities with little work, and those who strongly distrust this niche. Then the reality, a market less than 15 years old that seeks decentralization and technological progress.

Of smaller or larger scale, each shock that the market suffered is affected by its most solid structures: Bitcoin and Binance, the most developed cryptocurrency and the exchange most widespread in the world. Confidence in the crypto world has an impact on its value, although we are witnessing how the pendulum narrows its range of movement.

The end of 2022 was marked by a succession of blows, financial and/or media, that made noise within the crypto world.

The resounding fall of an ecosystem like Terra-Luna, taking savings and investments from many traders in just 3 days, with the disappearance of two coins that were ranked top ten, with huge amounts invested in them.

In that vein, the bankruptcies of 3AC, Celsius and FTX were big blows this year. In the first case, an investment fund that worked on many projects in the DeFi sector, the second a exchange over leveraged also in decentralized finance and the third, one of the exchange most used in the world. This produced a knock-on effect, taking with it related platforms, such as BlockFi for example.

In the case of FTX, some fraud rumors brought uncertainty to the sector, due to deliberate actions by its founder, which led to mistrust of the market. It is necessary to differentiate there between human intervention and the operation of the blockchain. But this is not entirely negative, since the purification of toxic -or fraudulent- projects makes it possible to avoid future problems and consolidate the growth of those that are truly innovative for the industry, in which it is worth investing.

These facts even reached Binance, the most powerful exchange. They had an impact on its operation and actions, also forcing the company to work on a communication strategy that drives away ghosts, something that it has achieved in a good way.

The former CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz//File Photo)

Bitcoin, for its part, is finding its DIP after the bullish peak it experienced in 2020. It started the year at USD 50,000 and closed it 60% below, at less than USD 20,000. Circulation reached 19 million out of a possible 21 million, maintaining its solid position as modern gold, on the way to a new halving process that will take place between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024.

This is a 50% cut to Bitcoin mining, which translates into a drop in supply that has an impact on the increase in demand. This process, experienced in 2012, 2016 and 2020, has always coincided with the historical peaks of the cryptocurrency which, due to its market leadership, drags all the others upwards.

The greatest characteristic of 2023 will most likely be the resilience and preparation that the market will demand. The crypto world begins to consolidate its position as a new member of the financial family that, broadly speaking, stands out for its transparency based on the blockchain.

Something very positive that he has left this year is the great growth in education. People, companies, institutions that adapt to new technologies and are eager to learn about new trends. This panorama is fundamental towards the digital transition, where the solid projects in which to invest in this bearish period remain.

The slowdown of the pendulum due to the adaptation and interest of many people in the face of external agents, news and speculation will allow, on the one hand, said consolidation and, on the other, take advantage of the crises of 2022 to learn from them and position themselves with key investments for 2023, thinking even more so in the long run.

markets down, bear market As defined within the niche, they are huge windows of opportunity to invest, both due to the accessibility of asset prices and the drop in the volume of investors, not properly prepared or simply discarded due to the decline.

Among the opportunities I see, I think these are the ones with the best outlook and above all the safest:

1) Bitcoin: Despite its decline, as explained, the most solid and recognized currency in the crypto market remains the fundamental value for any wallet investment. The bull run that is approaching with the next halving gives you the highest return in the long run.

2023 is an ideal time to investigate this opportunity for the next two or three years

2) ethereum: Every day, this crypto moves further from the shadow of Bitcoin. Already by far the second most popular, it is characterized by having a large network of DeFi developments. At present, we could say that its platform has the best progress in decentralized matters. Without a doubt, this is another fixed one for 2023, because at the same time, it promotes the development of the market itself.

3) Metaverse: Various industries are increasingly facing the challenge of transferring part of their operations and investments to the blockchain. Therefore, it is common to find tokens from industries that specialize in new technologies, such as Sand and Mana. From here, close attention must be paid to companies that are beginning to explore the metaverse, a very promising niche within crypto trends. 2023 is an ideal time to investigate this opportunity for the next two or three years.

These are some care and investment measures that everyone should always keep in mind:

● All the risks to be taken must be with dispensable capital since, like any market, the investment has its possibility of loss.

● Take care of the place of savings, taking into account facts such as FTX, it is advisable to always keep investments in your own and cold wallets, without the need for Internet access.

● Willingness to study and move in the market with patience, thinking in terms of not less than 2 years.

● Stay up-to-date with market and investment news through reliable sites such as CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko, as well as periodically read relevant accounts or industry leaders on social networks.

The blockchain is not only about cryptocurrencies that, although they are its most relevant asset, will become a member of the growing DeFi family. The growth of the chain and its consolidation in daily socioeconomic life will be gradual over time, so at this time the opportunities are even greater for those who begin and develop their education in decentralized technologies.

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