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This company takes over Bertsch Energy in Bludenz

Belated Christmas miracle in the Alpine town: German plant manufacturer continues the traditional business.

After intensive negotiations, it is liquidator Dr. Wilhelm Klagian managed to find a buyer for the power plant builder Bertsch Energy, which was in serious trouble.

After the insolvency proceedings, which cost millions, a spectacular turnaround is now emerging, which will ensure the continuation of the traditional company at the parent location in Bludenz.

Hubert Bertsch Sr. places a branch of his family business in capable hands.

“As far as possible, all employees
should be taken over”

Much to the delight of owner Hubert Bertsch, who, as captain of industry, is able to hand over his damaged company to capable hands, as VOL.AT was able to find out in the form of a statement:

I am very pleased that the negotiations that we have been conducting with the Dieffenbacher company since mid-June are now being conducted by Dr. Wilhelm Klagian could be successfully finalized.

Of course, I regret that despite all efforts and a very successful restructuring, it was not possible to continue the Bertsch Energy branch within the Bertsch Group.

However, it is very gratifying that the Dieffenbacher family company will now lead the Bertsch team into the future with their high level of technical know-how.

Dieffenbacher plans to take on as many Bertsch Energy employees as possible. This secures the location in Bludenz and the professional handling of the projects.”

Christian Dieffenbacher, CEO Dieffenbacher Group.

Bertsch Energy becomes Dieffenbacher Energy

With the traditional Dieffenbacher Holding GmbH & Co. KG based in Eppingen in Baden-Württemberg, the power plant builder has retained its operational DNA.

When asked by VOL.AT, CEO Christian Dieffenbacher is happy about the successful transaction:

“We are very pleased that we managed to buy the assets of Bertsch Energy GmbH & Co KG in constructive and open negotiations with the insolvency administrator Dr. Wilhelm Klagian and to develop them further at the existing location under the name Dieffenbacher Energy GmbH.

The existing know-how of the Bludenz power plant builder is to be further expanded.

The existing know-how and the competence of the employees fit perfectly with the strategic orientation of our company. The product ranges of both companies complement each other perfectly. We operate partly in the same markets and have already successfully implemented customer projects together in the past.

With our expertise as an international plant manufacturer, we want to develop the company sustainably and offer both customers and employees long-term, successful prospects. In order to continue the existing projects to the satisfaction of the customers and to win new orders, we intend to close all employees
take over.”

Insolvency administrator Dr. Wilhelm Klagian from Dornbirn.

“The location in Bludenz will remain and will be expanded”

Special thanks go to the insolvency administrator Dr. Wilhelm Klagian, who must have worked some overtime in the last few hours before the turn of the year to get the sale dry.

The lawyer explained to VOL.AT:

“Thanks to open negotiations, always oriented towards success, it was possible to achieve a result with the Dieffenbacher Group within a very short time that serves all creditors in the best possible way. Dieffenbacher Energy GmbH continues the company at the Bludenz site with around 150 employees and will complete their projects in agreement with the existing customers. With the excellent Bertsch employees and Bertsch cutting-edge technology, the existing plant manufacturer is to be further expanded. In this way, the key creditor groups, namely employees, customers and sub-suppliers as well as the banks as guarantors, can be served in the best possible way .

I would like to thank the negotiators at Dieffenbacher, Mr. Kitzelmann and Mr. Langer, on behalf of the employees involved, the managing director, Mr. Smetana, and the owner, Mr. Hubert Bertsch, for their always goal-oriented commitment, which made this (almost) perfect result possible.”

A small, belated Christmas miracle that will probably sweeten the turn of the year for the around 150 affected employees in Bludenz.

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