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“This country changes your life”


The Cuban youtuber Anita con Swing has celebrated his first year in the United States with a video published on his YouTube channel, where he takes stock of the path he has traveled, reflects on his life in the North American country and shares his experiences and learnings since he arrived, highlighting how his perception of the United States has evolved during this time.

“It’s been three years since I left Cuba, one year since I arrived in the United States, also one year since I left Spain behind.” This phrase summarizes his trajectory as an emigrant, highlighting his constant adaptation to new environments and cultures. “I have tested my adaptive abilities and I’ll be honest with you, the truth is I don’t regret any of the places I’ve been and my journey in general. I feel that it’s very interesting that it has nourished me with many experiences,” she added. the young woman in her extensive video.

Instagram stories / Anita con Swing

In the video, Anita also reflects on the diversity of opinions that the United States generates. “The United States is a very popular country and everyone has an opinion about it. The most important points are that there are people who have a very negative opinion and there are people who have a very positive opinion, but we also exist that neutral medium , those people who are a little more objective in our point of view and know how to recognize certain good things, certain bad things and we can create a range of opinions and that would be me.”

He also highlights the importance of adapting to the accelerated pace of life in the United States: “The first thing you have to put in your head when you are going to set foot in the United States is the speed with which the system of this country advances and the speed with which that everything advances and the speed with which you have to live within yourself.” This reflection highlights the need to adjust mindset and expectations to the new environment in order to thrive.

Grateful for what she has experienced, celebrating what she has achieved and taking on new challenges, embracing change and uncertainty as steps inherent to progress and happiness, the young woman confessed in her video, which provoked congratulations, praise and applause for her attitude, her advice and her desire to share their experiences and opinions.

Below is the video uploaded to his YouTube channel,

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