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This dessert prepared with leftover nougat from the holidays is too good: here is 1 recipe without the oven!

This dessert prepared with advanced is too good

Did we get so much nougat at Christmas? No fear. Let’s see together how to use it to prepare this really delicious dessert that doesn’t need cooking.

Also this year during the festive lunches and dinners, traditional dishes were not lacking on Italian tables. From appetizers based on cold cuts and cheeses to tipical desserts.

However, often, for fear of not satiating all the diners, we tend to exceed with the doses of food. And this is how after every lunch or dinner, we realize the enormous amount of leftover food.

Of course nothing is thrown away, but we try to freeze as much as possible or distribute it to relatives and friends.

A quick and easy recipe

Sweets too often, they advance. In fact, we try to recycle them by creating really delicious recipes. IS easyeg, dispose of the last slices of pandoro or panettonemaking a really great dessert.

But if we have a large amount of Nougat? Don’t worry here’s one quick and easy recipe to dispose of it.

Nougat is a typical Christmas dessert. It is prepared using egg whites, sugar, honey and almonds. But you can also add walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc.

A delicious dessert with a unique flavor that we can find both hard and soft and in the chocolate variant.

Both adults and children like nougat, but sometimes it is difficult to consume it.

Here then is a delicious recipe to recycle it. It will be super easy to prepare one delicious semifreddo.

The ingredients I’m really very few:

  • 250 g of nougat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 ml of cream;
  • 150ml of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • shelled pistachios to taste

This dessert made with leftover Christmas nougat is too good

Let’s start ours recipe coarsely breaking up the nougat. In a bowl, however, whip the cream until stiff.

In a saucepan we pour thewater and 3 tbsp sugar. Let’s make dissolve and to boil the ingredients, until you get a thick syrup.

Now we separate the yolks from the whites. In a bowl, whisk the egg whites well, adding half of the syrup previously obtained.

Now let’s separate the yolks from the

In a second bowl, beat the yolks, pour the second part of the syrup and continue beating.

Now it’s time to assemble all the ingredients.

We add in the bowl of yolks the chopped nougat, chopped pistachios, whipped egg whites and cream. Let’s mix everything trying not to disassemble the compound.

Once ready, pour the cream obtained into the cups and we keep in the freezer for some hours.

Some advice for garnishing and storing the semifreddo

After this time, let’s decorate the semifreddo with del chopped chocolate, of the chopped nougat or of the pistachio grain.

We can even pour one of those over our dessert sweet liqueurs and creamy.

Decorate the semifreddo with chopped

This dessert prepared with leftover nougat is too good, perfect to consume after main meals or to satisfy the desire for dessert as a snack.

Surely there won’t be a single one left. But if there is any leftover, the semifreddo can be kept in the freezer for a few weeks.

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