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This excellent fan heater costs less than €16 and heats very well!

Now more than ever it is important to pay attention to our consumption: the continuous increases in gas costs and the consequent high bills have afflicted all Italians and many have been forced to keep the heating on for just a few hours a day in order to save money. as much as possible. Well, there is a solution that will allow you not only to stop suffering from the cold, but also to spend very little, i.e. the purchase of a fan heater. The good news? An excellent model is discounted for only €15.99 on Amazon!

The Midea NF20-20AWE fan heater it is in fact discounted by 36% compared to its list price of €24.98 and will allow you to both heat your home in the winter and cool it in the summer, all while consuming very little and occupying a small space. In short, with less than €20.00 you will take home a device that will allow you to save money all year round and will come in handy for all family members.

Convenient and very simple to use, the fan heater is perfect for moving to all rooms in the home or office. In fact, it can come in handy in many situations: by placing it on the floor or under the table you can warm your feet, while keeping it close to you on the sofa or in bed will warm you up better than a blanket.

Thanks to its small size, you will be able to take it with you even on trips, using it during outdoor trips or picnics. On the hottest days you can instead use it as a fanplacing it on the desk or on a shelf to refresh the environment.

Midea has designed the fan heater to be also extremely safe as well as powerful: it will switch off automatically in the event of accidental overturning and once the maximum temperature of 65° has been reached. In addition, the two knobs will allow you to easily manage the thermostat, so you can find the perfect settings for every occasion.

Having said that, we just have to refer you to the purchase of the product, inviting you to consult the Amazon page dedicated to the offer, also suggesting to complete your purchase as soon as possibleat least before the end of the discount.

Furthermore, before completing your purchase, we strongly suggest that you also subscribe to our three Telegram channels dedicated to offerswith specific channels dedicated to: Offers, Hardware & Tech And Clothing and Sports. Happy shopping!

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