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This excellent mobile plan is underrated, the offer is really advantageous

You may have asked yourself the question of switching to a no-commitment phone plan, but you are wondering what additional monthly cost this might represent? If most of these non-binding packages are generally more expensive, we will see that Coriolis Telecom offers a really advantageous offer at the start of the year.

No less than 4 non-binding offers are presented by Coriolis Telecom. Available from 50 GB of internet and up to 210 GB for a monthly subscription from 9.99 euros to 19.99 euros, it is all the reputation of Coriolis Telecom and its recognized seriousness that are within your reach.

Why choose a non-binding package? Quite simply for the freedom to be able to decide to change provider, plan and phone without having to wait for a 12 or 24 month expiry date. But that’s not all ! Coriolis Telecom is above all a historic partner in mobile telephony. Its arrival on the market dates back to the first mobile phones embedded in commercial vehicles. We can therefore say that the company has evolved!

Finally a no-commitment package that is really worth it with Coriolis Telecom

Let’s take the time to detail the 4 non-binding packages offered by Coriolis Telecom. These packages do not offer mobile phones. You must therefore acquire yours independently of the package. The brand declines its offer between cheap mobile phones, 4G and 5G smartphones and even refurbished.

Let’s go back to our 4 packages. If you are a light internet user and don’t need a lot of GB, the first 50 GB plan at 9.99 euros per month is the one for you. Equipped with the 4G+ network and unlimited SMS and MMS, you will not be asked for any duration condition.

For more regular use, opt for one of the two 4G+ packages (5G optional) currently offered at 12.99 euros. The first, still without obligation, includes 100 GB of internet and guarantees you this price without condition of duration. The second gives you 140 GB, still in 4G + and at the same price for 6 months before going to 15.99 euros.

Finally, the largest package offers you 210 GB of internet in 5G at the price of 19.99 euros per month with, as with all packages, unlimited SMS and MMS.

It’s time to change telephone operator for a non-binding Coriolis Telecom package.

Click here to discover Coriolis Telecom’s non-binding offer

This content was produced in partnership with Coriolis. BFMTV’s editorial staff did not participate in the production of this content. BFMTV is likely to receive compensation when one of our readers makes a purchase via the links included in this article.

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