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“This girl is an opportunist”

"This girl is an opportunist"

Electric influencer Alex Otaola attacked the actress Aly Sanchez after her trip to Cuba, ensuring that the young woman is an opportunist who was actually advertising for people from Miami to visit the island.

“If she is so sure that what she has done is a trip to pick up her 87-year-old grandmother, why has she limited comments on her posts. Why? People are requesting that submissions not be allowed of Aly Sanchez in the city,” said the influencer.

Otaola reminded his followers that his relationship with Aly Sanchez It is not good. However, she assured that taking such radical measures as requesting the closure of events where she participates or prohibiting the actress from appearing in institutions in the city of the Sun would not be correct.

“She is not part of the group of Cubans in Miami who fight for a Free Cuba. This girl is an opportunist, but even if the trip to Banao bothers us; that she was going to advertise trips to Cuba; To see her recreate and splash around in misery, I think requesting the cancellation of her performances would be extreme,” she said.

In Otaola’s opinion, what he has done cannot be compared. Aly Sanchez on his trip to Cuba with what other artists do who do flirt directly with figures of the regime and participate in government events.

“If they tell me that he came out giving a kiss to the First Secretary of the PCC in Banao, I understand it. I would be the first to ask that he not appear in Miami, but in this case I think it is too much,” commented the influencer.

Otaola said he cannot put Aly Sanchez at the same level as Haila, Buena Fe or Van Van, because what the actress did was go “clown, play the pioneer, gloat in the misery and the disgusting dust of Banao.”

The actress made her trip to cuba this week. She was accompanied by a group of close friends who are also influencers and actors.

Aly said that for her it is very “sad to see how Cuba is,” but she assured that her visit brightens the days of the family and friends she still has in her homeland a little.

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