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This is how a Feldkirch nightlife legend celebrates its farewell

Nani Mock leaves the nightlife behind and hands over the trendy bar to Gregor Plankensteiner. VOL.AT attended the start of the three-day farewell party in Feldkirch.

When a big name in the scene like Nani Mock, who has played a major role in shaping the nightlife of the Montfortstadt with his colorful style for decades, resigns, it happens on a grand scale.

For three days, the restaurateur celebrates his “graduation of color theory” with excellent live acts. And already at the start on Thursday, Bunt friends, guests and companions experienced a brilliant evening.

This is what the start of Nani’s three-day farewell party looked like

Nani Mock and the Bunt have been friends with DeadBeatz for years and the sound of the two-piece blues-punk formation provided the ideal setting for the first evening of the scene host’s farewell tour.

The DeadBeatz put on a first class show on the first night of Nani Mock’s farewell.
©Sabrina Rosmann

The audience enjoyed the ambience in the beautiful garden of the Bunt Bar in Feldkirch.
©Sabrina Rosmann

Nani Mock hands over
and Gregor Plankensteiner

The fact that Nani Mock can take his departure in a relaxed manner is also due to the fact that he is leaving his beloved restaurant in competent hands. He has found a motivated, young and competent successor in long-standing bar manager Gregor Plankensteiner, who wants to continue the traditional orientation of the bar in a tried and tested way.

Nani Mock and his successor Gregor Plankensteiner.

Color teaching degree in
the Bunt Bar Feldkirch

4.5. DeadBeatz
5.5. Short term
6.5. The Tri-Gantics

Free entry. When the weather is nice, the concerts take place in the garden. Otherwise in colour.

The guests experienced an exuberant show by DeadBeatz.
©Sabrina Rosmann

Full commitment, a hallmark of the blues-punk formation.
©Sabrina Rosmann

Numerous friends, guests and companions celebrated his farewell together with Nani Mock.
©Sabrina Rosmann

The weather also played along and the evening was a complete success.
©Sabrina Rosmann

Bernie Miller and David Karlinger aka The DeadBeatz.
©Sabrina Rosmann

VOL.AT met DeadBeatz and Wolfgang Sila (Brauererei Fohrenburg).

If you also want to say goodbye to Bunt boss Nani Mock in a dignified way, you still have the opportunity to do so today and on Saturday. Because with live shows by the bands “Kurzfristig” and “The Tri-Gantics”, nothing stands in the way of a brilliant farewell to the popular and likeable Feldkirch night restaurateur.

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