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This is how the new digital recipe launched by the Platense Medical Association works

Starting in January, the La Plata Medical Association (AMP) will implement a new electronic drug prescription system to facilitate the work of doctors and access to medication for patients of various and prepaid social works. It will be through the RCTA application, which is already available to download on the cell phone from app store either Google Play Store.

The initiative was announced after the National Ministry of Health repealed Resolution No. 696/20, which enabled during the pandemic the presentation in pharmacies of prescriptions made on paper by medical professionals and sent as a photo or scanned.

This tool was designed to ensure that prescriptions and prescriptions are 100% safe and legal. The application includes all the guidelines indicated by Law 27,553 (on electronic or digital prescriptions): the identification of the prescribing physician; the data of the patient and of the Social Work / Prepaid of her; the data of the indicated medicines and the accessory information that completes the prescription, guaranteeing safe and reliable access to the medicines that patients require.

“This app is a complete, practical and easy-to-use tool that allows optimizing the work of each member, saving valuable time and improving the care of our patients”explained the president of the AMP, martin cesarini. In this sense, he added that “it is the first step towards the campaign proposals that we formulate, aimed at modernizing and digitizing our work, and it takes place in the context of granting a prompt response to the problems generated after the repeal of resolution 696/20”.

The AMP has already managed the discharge of the unionized doctors in the database of the application. To start using it, the unionized professionals can enter the website of the Association and follow the instructions step by step. entering the following link.

For his part, the vice president of the entity, Ezequiel Fidalgorecalled that during the campaign for the partial renewal of the Board of Directors “we promised, first of all, to fight for the recomposition of the medical fee, but we also proposed improvements in terms of computer processes and digitization, and these are things that we are achieving and that they arrive in a timely manner to facilitate medical work and access to medication for patients”.

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