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This is how the weather continues on the long weekend: what time will the rains arrive in La Plata

From the La Plata Hydrometeorology Directorate they detailed this afternoon that in the next few hours the Region will maintain a temperate and cloudy climate with a probability of light rains in the last hours of the day.

Likewise, the precipitations will continue in the early hours of Saturday with greater intensity, but with improvements in the afternoon hours. On the other hand, Sunday will present a drop in temperatures, but will maintain pleasant weather at the conclusion of the long weekend.

Alert for strong storms in 11 provinces

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued an orange alert for storms for towns in Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, while warnings are in effect for the same phenomenon for other provinces and for strong winds for Santa Cruz and Chubut.

In Córdoba, the alert extends to the southeastern areas of the province that include the towns of General San Martín, Marcos Juárez and Unión. In Santa Fe, it extends to the southern part of the province that includes the municipalities of Constitución, Iriondo, Rosario, San Lorenzo, Caseros and General López, indicated the SMN. In Entre Ríos, it affects the southwestern part of the province that includes the towns of Gualeguay and Victoria.

In addition, the meteorological agency issued yellow alerts for storms for a large part of the provinces of Córdoba, the southern zone of La Rioja; center and southeast of Santiago del Estero and a large part of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos. The warnings for strong storms also cover the north of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, San Luis, the central area of ​​Salta, a large part of Tucumán and a large part of Corrientes.

Likewise, the meteorological agency maintains a yellow alert for winds from the west sector with speeds between 45 and 65 kilometers per hour and gusts that can reach 90 kilometers per hour for Santa Cruz and in the Meseta de Escalante, Sarmiento and Sudoeste de Florentino Ameghino, in chubut.

The SMN recommended that the inhabitants of all the provinces affected by the alerts avoid outdoor activities, not take out the garbage and remove objects that prevent water from draining and not take refuge near trees and electricity poles that could fall. To minimize the risk of being struck by lightning, do not stay on beaches, rivers, lagoons, or pools, stay in closed buildings such as houses, schools, or buildings, and stay away from electrical appliances and avoid using wired telephones, among other measures. precautionary measures, depending on the intensity of the storm.

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