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"This is my reform": Éric Zemmour claims the paternity of the government’s pension reform project

According to the president of the far-right Reconquest party, pension reform is necessary. “The distribution system can no longer hold because we have far fewer children per year,” he says.

Éric Zemmour sees a good eye on the reform of executive pensions. If he was a deputy and had not lost in the first round of the legislative electionsthe former polemicist would pronounce favorably on this text.

“I would vote for it”, he indicates on BFMTV-RMC, before claiming the paternity of this project: “It is my reform”. During the 2022 presidential election, “I said 64 years and an index for seniors”, he justifies, while the government defends these two measures.

“Introduce a share of capitalization”

For the boss of the far-right Reconquest party, the postponement of the legal age is “an emergency measure”. “The pay-as-you-go system can no longer hold since we have far fewer children per year,” he believes, saying that today “there are 1.7 active people” who contribute for “a retiree” against 4 to 1, in the 60s, according to him. Nevertheless, the pension reform could be “much more structural”, according to Éric Zemmour.

“I think we can’t do anything without a dynamic birth rate policy,” he explains, indicating that it must be concentrated in “rural areas”.

The former presidential candidate also calls for a “policy of reindustrialization”, of “massive tax cuts”, to “fight against social fraud” concerning “foreign pensioners”, but also to “establish a share of capitalization” in our pension system.

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