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This is Nvidia’s CuLitho: The software that unleashes memes, but that will optimize the creation of chips

Meet Nvidia CuLitho. And what does the name matter? Because it comes to solve a very important issue: the processor crisis. Although by name, it has unleashed a wave of memes and many are interested in learning more about Nvidia’s CuLitho.

What is Nvidia CuLitho?

In the words of the technology company itself, it is a development that favors accelerated computing. NVIDIA cuLitho is described as “a library of software for computational lithography”, hence its curious name. CuLitho would come from “lithography” and not from “small rear”.

Supposedly, this technology will allow the creation of chips with smaller transistors and wires, which will benefit energy efficiency and speed time to market.

Furthermore, NVIDIA revealed that several processor manufacturers are already working on this development, such as Synopsys y ASML.

Pause for humor: we share some memes

And before explaining more about these processes, we leave you some of the Nvidia CuLitho memes:

Why is lithography important in the process?

Lithography is one of the steps in the manufacture of semiconductors, that is, processors, it allows the creation of extremely small and detailed patterns of a material.

According to the portal Today Cryptothis lithography step represents one of the largest workloads in the semiconductor manufacturing process, since it requires extremely massive data. And this software would come to optimize this crisis.

CuLitho to the rescue

Let’s remember that due to the 2020 pandemic, there were problems with labor in the factories of chipswhich caused a drop in the production chain and a global shortage.

CuLitho is presented as a savior, a contribution to this crisis that is still dragging on, because it would help improve production times. It will be necessary to analyze in the coming months if this CuLitho helps us to prevent a crisis of processors and semiconductors like the one that occurred recently from becoming a reality again.

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