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This is the best advice Warren Buffett gave Bill Gates

  • The shared advice has led other billionaires like Elon Musk to share their advice as well.

  • studies like “Global Wealth Databook 2022” They realize how important the fortune of people has become, to measure the economic performance in the countries where they reside.

  • Both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have become highly influential personalities in the world.

Bill Gates shared the best advice he received from his friend Warren Buffett and the advice comes at a very important time, considering what the questioning did to him.

With the advice shared by Gates comes the opportunity to see how many millionaires there are in the world and who studies as “Global Wealth Databook 2022” have measured in more than 24 thousand located in the United States; 6,190 in China; 3,400 in Japan and 2,800 in the United Kingdom.

“In 2021 there were 24.5 million people with a net worth of more than one million US dollars in the United States, which put the country at the top of the ranking. China ranked second that year, with 6.1 million people with a wealth of more than $1 million. Japan followed in third place with three million 400 thousand millionaires”, explains Statista when exclusively presenting the study to subscribers of the platform.

Bill Gates and a billionaire council

Artificial intelligence interviewed Bill Gates and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunakwhere we learn about the billionaire advice that the founder of Microsoft received.

The information was published last February on the channel YouTube of Downing Streetas the office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is known colloquially.

Within the video, a series of questions generated by this language model are asked, which in its first question asked Gates what was his opinion of the impact that technology would have on the global economy and the labor market for the next ten years.

Then came the time for the unexpected question, by a chatbot, and it was when Bill Gates was asked what was the best advice he received and how it influenced his career.

Gates then explained that the advice came from Warren Buffett, when he recognized that what matters most is what your friends really think of you and how strong these friendships are.

Gates’ opinion of Buffett has been broad and positive most of the time, since in a 2016 post he published on his blog, he even acknowledged that he has “learned a lot from Warren in the last 25 years, but perhaps most importantly It’s what friendship is about.”

For Gates, a very important life lesson is friendship and what arises around it. If we look in detail at what is around this concept, we find a series of studies that talk about it, such as one conducted by YouGov, where it is noted that what makes a good friendship is that you are there when you are needed, for 64 percent; another 63 percent considered that a good friendship happens when you can talk about everything with that person and for 62 percent, a good friendship happens when you can be honest with that person. 48 percent considered that a good friendship happens when you can tell secrets.

Gates isn’t the first billionaire to share advice. Elon Musk has said in conversations with Lex Fridman, that “it would encourage people to read a lot of books. Try to ingest as much information as you can and try to develop a good general knowledge, to get at least a rough view of the knowledge landscape.”

Sharing advice and when it comes from billionaires is an opportunity to understand the influence that these personalities have on people and how they value this knowledge, based on their economic, political or social capacity.

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