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This is the cost of a civil wedding in CDMX in 2023

This is the cost of a civil wedding in CDMX in 2023

If you’re thinking of ask your partner to marry youit is important that you know what are the expenses you will have to make for the wedding preparations. At La Verdad Noticias we bring you the information so that you know the cost of a civil wedding in 2023.

In the Mexico City getting married can have different costs, all this depends on whether the wedding will be carried out only by the civil or also by the church. For what should be considered from the cost of the ceremony, to the wedding dress, the suit, the party, the invitations, the banquet and everything that is related to the marriage bond.

then in The Truth News we will inform you about what is the cost of a civil wedding in 2023. Take into account that it is only the cost of the wedding through legal means, that is, what is paid for the process, without considering any other expense, such as the party or the religious wedding.

How much does it cost to get married civilly in CDMX?

Expenses such as the dress, venue and invitations increase the cost of the ceremony

Couples who wish to get married legally during 2023 must go to the Civil Registry and in that place make the payment of 1,431 pesos for the process, according to the CDMX Finance Secretariat.

Now, if what you want is that the signing of the minutes is done at homethis has a cost of 2 thousand 874 pesos and marriage outside the constituency has a price that rises to the 8 thousand 793 pesos.

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Requirements to marry civilly in CDMX

The procedure is carried out in the Civil Registry

Now, the couples looking to get married Civil marriage in Mexico City must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete the marriage application before a judge of the Civil Registry.
  • Submit proof of address (not older than 6 months)
  • Current official identification of each of the contracting parties
  • Capture line with payment

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