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This is the minimum retirement age in Spain in 2023 and this is how it will increase in the coming years

This is the minimum retirement age in Spain in 2023 and this is how it will increase in the coming years
The retirement age in Spain depends, to a large extent, on the number of years of contributions. Since 2013 it has been gradually delayed.
Source: Bankinter with data from Social Security.
  • With 15 years of contributions, you are entitled to 50% of the regulatory base.
  • To be entitled to 100% of it, it is necessary to contribute a minimum of years that will vary according to the year of access to retirement. For those who access retirement in 2023 or in one of the three following years (that is, in 2024, 2025 or 2026), it will be necessary to have contributed for at least 36 years and 6 months to be entitled to receive 100% of the base regulatory. As of 2027, 37 years of contributions will be necessary to access 100%.
How to request the widow’s pension: aid of up to 12,700 euros
The pension that can be collected at the same time with other aids and subsidies: up to 3,059 euros per month
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