A good story told in episodes that conquers viewers. That’s right, you know that series that is trending on Netflix and that you can’t stop watching because all your friends are talking about it? So, the idea here is to keep you up to date and quickly, so we’ll keep track of the most watched series on Netflix daily and update here. Stay tuned for our tips. The most watched series of the moment, which leads the ranking of the most watched today, let’s face it, is a great tip to start a new episode marathon on Netflix. Here, you will find the perfect series tip every day!

What is the most watched series on Netflix today?

This is the most watched series on Netflix today: Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. See more details about the series below.

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (2023)

Set in an era before Bridgerton, one series has captured hearts by depicting the fascinating journey of Queen Charlotte as she rises to notoriety and power. More than just a romantic story, this production transports us to a historical period marked by significant social changes. Exploring Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George, we are introduced to a plot that transcends romance and reveals the complexities of a transformation that shaped the world of Bridgerton’s beloved characters. Prepare to be immersed in a narrative filled with intrigue, burning passions and unexpected twists that will captivate fans of the original series and those looking for an enthralling new television experience alike.