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This is the part of the processor that we all ignore but that affects its performance

Have you ever wondered what is the importance of the pinouts or the pins that are under the processor? We have long ignored these connections below the CPU, but here we will explain how it affects its performance.

In fact, they are not only important, but are becoming more so. Proof of this is the fact that manufacturers Intel or AMD have increased over the years the number of pins on the processors.

As he recalls a report published on the website of hard zonea Pentium III from the late 90s had 370 pins on the processor, while the last two generations of Intel Cores have raised the figure to 1700.

The importance of pins

The utility of the pins It is not only to feed the CPU with electrical energy so that it works, but also to communicate it with the different elements inside the board.both with the RAM memory, with the chipset and the different components and peripherals connected.

Indeed, the reason processors have more and more pins is to add more features to them. The report highlights that one of the reasons that has made it possible to processors more energy efficient is the increase in the number of pins.

CPUs of earlier designs ran on a single voltage, but today we have several different voltages for different clock speeds and power consumption. Therefore, depending on the workload, one or the other will be activated.

Also, as the number of processor pins grows, the more accurate the information received by the temperature monitoring mechanisms and more control they have over the CPU. These serve to make continuous readings to the processor and adjust the speed and voltage automatically to avoid overheating.

With respect to laptops that have graphics cards and chips soldered together, the function of the pins is the same. The difference is that, instead of making contact through a socket, they pass or receive the information through them.

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