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This is the value of the solana cryptocurrency this day

Solana is a blockchain that drives the development of DAPPs and is capable of processing 50 thousand transactions per second, one of the fastest. (Illustration: Jovani Pérez)

Cryptocurrencies are booming becoming a relevant digital asset today to such an extent that some companies and States have encouraged its use despite not having any guarantee or regulation. Among the innumerable cryptocurrencies that have emerged, a few stand out, among them solarium.

Known in the cryptocurrency market with the initials SOL, solana was founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yajovenkopresuming a high performance in your transactions and short processing times performing around 50 thousand transactions per second, making it one of the fastest on the market.

In addition to his speed, solana ensures a low cost of transactions due to its scalabilitykeeping them under $0.01 for both developers and users.

The native solana token is mainly used to make staking (which consists of acquiring cryptocurrencies and keeping them locked in a digital wallet obtaining rewards) and pay transaction fees having a limited supply, while burning 50% of the SOL used in each commission to maintain a set level of inflation each year.

While the debate is heating up every day about the convenience or not of its use, Solana is trading this day at 15:55 (UTC time) at $22.04, which represents a change of -4.25% with respect to the last 24 hours and a variation of 0.53% with reference to its value reached in the last hour.

Regarding its market capitalization, it has maintained the position number 10 between digital currencies.

Digital currencies are digital currencies that do not physically exist and, unlike currencies such as the dollar, the euro or the peso, they are not regulated by any institution and do not require intermediaries in the transactions.

Physical representations of various cryptocurrencies. (REUTERS/Dado Ruvic)

Consequently, they are regularly not viewed favorably by the formal market and are accused of being unreliable, volatile, promoting fraud, not having a legal framework that supports their users, allowing the operation of illegal activities, among others.

However, little by little they have opened the way to such a degree that companies, millionaires and even governments have encouraged or legalized their use.

These cryptocurrencies work through a cryptographic encryption that guarantees the security of transactions, as well as control the creation of their units. To make transactions, cryptocurrencies use a decentralized database, blockchain, or shared ledger.

Currently there are different cryptocurrencies in this unregulated market, however, the pioneer was Bitcoin, created in 2008, with it others such as litecoin, ethereum, bitcoin cash, ripple, dogecoinsome of the most popular.

One of the richest men in the world, Elon Muskhas made comments in favor of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and dogecoin, even temporarily accepting the digital currencies at his electric car company Tesla, which has caused their price to rise.

In The Savior, President Nayib Bukele legalized bitcoin, becoming the first country to do so. In the case of Mexico, one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, has made public his intentions to accept cryptocurrencies in his companies, one of his main ones -the Elektra store- already does so. For his part, the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, has suggested using its use to combat inflation. Even in Peruthe Central Reserve Bank warned that it was working on its own digital currency project.

To acquire any of the cryptocurrencies that exist in this unregulated market, you must go to specialized websites.

An ATM to buy cryptocurrencies. (EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE/File)

It is worth mentioning that the value of each of these digital assets varies depending on supply and demand, as well as the commitment of the users themselves, which can cause abrupt changes.

This means that the more people are interested and want to get hold of any cryptocurrency, the higher its cost and vice versa.

However, whoever invests in this type of digital currency must be very clear that this form brings with it a high risk to capitaljust as there can be an increase, it can also unexpectedly have a crash and wipe out the savings of its users.

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