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This is what life would be like in 2050: five expert predictions about the future of humanity

The future of humanity is constantly evolving and artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the key factors contributing to these changes. Technology leaders are already theorizing about what our life will be like in the coming years and how these technologies will transform our world.

the website of Mega shared in a report with five expert predictions about the future of humanity and what life would be like in 2050 according to these theories.

Eternal life

One of the most amazing forecasts is the promise of eternal life. According to Dr. Ajaz Ali, head of computing at Ravensbourne University in London, England, artificial intelligence will advance in such a way that it will be able to create digital clones, allowing something like “the essence of a person” to be replicated, while the body has already come to an end. In this way, natural language processing tools would allow interaction with this clone, which would even have its own thoughts.

Machines will be the biggest workforce

Another possibility is that machines do most of the work, which would free up humans to enjoy more free time and realize their potential. George Stakhov, director of strategy for the global advertising agency DDB EMEA, predicts that this will require a drastic change in society and in our approach to education.

We will become cyborgs

Being a cyborg is also a possibility, according to Heather Dalaney. For her, the implantation of chips to measure the state of health of a person will be a great innovation in the future. Ray Kurzweil, an engineer at Google, believes that by 2045 people will be able to merge their brains with machines, allowing for a closer and more advanced connection between humans and technology.

The encounter with the aliens

Furthermore, Seth Shostak, an American astronomer and senior scientist at the SETI Institute, believes that by the year 2036 humanity will have evidence of intelligent life forms outside our planet.

The future of tech accessories

Tech accessories will also evolve. Alexander Nick, the head of a technology company, predicts that the next stage will be vision, which will allow computers to see and interpret visual images in a similar way to a human being.

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