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This is what the interior of the International Space Station sounds like. Can astronauts sleep with this noise?

Seven astronauts currently live on the International Space Station (ISS), powered by the NASA. It is a ship located in Earth orbit, in which multiple scientific experiments are carried out that aim to learn more about life outside our planet.

The maximum occupation that the ISS allows is 11 astronauts to be able to render the resources that they send from Earth. Submitting the human body to microgravity is one of the most important experiments carried out on this ship.

If we want to think about missions to “distant” planets like Mars, we first have to see the consequences that the trip would bring to those who carry it out. Any photo we see of the astronauts on the space station shows us a joyful scene.

Everyone smiles as they display some of the scientific achievements that have been achieved in this immense orbital laboratory. But no one shows the adversities that are experienced in the complex stay, which is far from being a tourist experience, despite the incomparable landscape.

One of those difficulties is the noise inside the ship. According to a video shared by the specialized medium Space Nosey, through its Twitter account, it shows the sound with which astronauts have to live during their stay on the International Space Station.

It is very similar to what runway employees endure at an airport, with the constant takeoffs and arrivals of planes. However, we do not see astronauts with hearing protectors, so it is intuited that they are trained to coexist in such an environment.

The record for stay on the International Space Station is 340.4 days. It is shared by the Russian Míjail Komienko and the American Scott Kelly, who carried out the so-called “one-year mission” together (they lacked 15 days), followed closely by the American Christina Koch (328.6 days), according to a review. Quora.

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