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This is what you need to do before having coffee in the morning

Mexico City.- “Adding some strategic practices to the morning coffee routine can have a significant impact on digestion, stress, hormonal balance, energy and much more”, explained Abigail Hueber, an expert in digestive health consulted by Well+Good, the portal American specializing in welfare.

The specialist invites you to bring a strategy for those minutes prior to the coffee, which in general is done on “autopilot”, something asleep aún.

It reveals that getting out of bed and, without stopovers, soaking in a cup of coffee can trigger the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. “Cortisol is an important hormone that we want to be released in the morning, but the caffeine hit on an empty stomach can cause an excessive release of cortisol and trigger an unnecessary stress response that can negatively affect our gut, our hormones, our adrenal glands and our energy”, he explains.

Here are 7 strategic practices to be recommended before breakfast and never after

1- Brush off the teeth

The acids present in coffee weaken the tooth enamel, which is why brushing off immediately after drinking coffee can be harmful to maintaining white teeth. Hay que pillarse before or wait approximately 30 minutes after drinking coffee, allowing the teeth to remineralicen and thus avoiding problems related to the cepillado.

2-Go to the bathroom

The coffee will make you want to urinate, so emptying your bladder first is smart.

3-Wait 90 minutes after waking up

According to Hueber, this scenario is the ideal one, since delaying caffeine consumption for the first 90 minutes after waking up allows you to achieve the best hormonal balance. “Within the first hour after waking up, our cortisol levels experience a response known as the cortisol wake-up response, where it rises and falls sharply. This fluctuation of cortisol reflects a healthy nervous system and, in fact, has a great impact on our immune health and even on the risk of developing autoimmune conditions. Taking a break from caffeine consumption during the first 90 minutes helps to promote a more optimal balance of the cortisol awakening response and can even provide better support to our energy levels throughout the day”.


After spending the night, the body tends to dehydrate. Therefore, Hueber recommends drinking 500 ml of a drink rich in minerals to replenish electrolytes. “When I talk about minerals, I am referring mainly to potassium and sodium, which help to direct the water to where it is needed in the body for optimal hydration, in addition to playing a fundamental role in supporting various functions, from our glands adrenals until the regulation of sugar in the blood and our hormonal balance”. To achieve this, suggest mixing 250 ml of a drink rich in potassium, such as coconut water, aloe vera juice, grapefruit juice or orange juice, with a pinch of salt, and combine it with 250 ml of water… Always before taking tel cafe.

5-Incorporate fiber and proteins

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can stimulate the production of cortisol, which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. According to Hueber, “this can trigger inflammation and generate fluctuations over the course of the day, which reduces energy”. However, starting the day with foods rich in fiber from whole sources can help maintain a healthy balance in blood sugar levels. Hueber suggests consuming half a cup of berries, a banana, an orange or a datil with almond butter before enjoying the morning coffee.

In addition to fiber, protein is another essential nutrient that counteracts blood sugar spikes. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a small amount of protein before or with coffee. Hueber suggest adding a spoonful of collagen protein to coffee. This can have significant benefits to maintain a healthy balance in the levels of sugar in the blood, as well as positively impact the management of stress and the reduction of inflammation in the body, without changing the flavor or texture of the coffee.

6-Perform exercise

While caffeine can be beneficial to make intense workouts seem less difficult, experts warn that drinking coffee before going to the gym can create anxiety during the workout session. Also, given that both coffee, especially black coffee, and exercise are gastrointestinal stimulants, consuming coffee before your sweating routine could result in the urgent need to go to the bathroom.

7-Take a walk

If the first thing you do is drink caffeine to feel more awake and alert, there is a better way to achieve both: “Exposing yourself to natural light during the first hour after waking up is an important way to maintain an optimal hormonal balance”, he says. Hueber. The combination of walking and light, he says, is beneficial for hormones, energy and health in general. (With information taken from Infobae)

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