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This video game future has arrived in reality in 2023!

It’s almost 23 years forth that the developers of Rare with Perfect Dark released their first-person shooter for the Nintendo 64. The title is often considered the spiritual successor of Golden Eye 007 referred to, which appeared in 1997 for the first time. The turn of the year provided a special moment for all Perfect Dark fans. The story of the game is in fact year 2023 settled. So Perfect Dark is more or less in the reality arrived.

What did the future look like in Perfect Dark?

The developers of Rare at the time envisioned several sci-fi-typical things for the future that don’t exist in our world today. This includes, for example, the modern cape the Skedar, which can transform her reptilian form into a human appearance. Also the flying cars we do not have – to this extent – on earth so far. companies with alien races working together are also not a reality.

By the way, in the game you take on the role of Joanna Dark, who as an agent is supposed to unveil the secrets of the largest company in the world. Incidentally, the team took inspiration from a popular series for the appearance of the protagonist. Dana Scully from the X-Files is the model of Joanna Dark – at least in the western version. In Japan, there were some changes to the main character’s visuals – mainly to better reach the players there.

Perfect Dark: First trailer for the new Xbox exclusive game

New Perfect Dark in development

Microsoft will already have one by the end of 2020 new part announced by Perfect Dark. So far it has – next to a teaser trailer – but not too much information given. The title is being developed by The Initiative. There is support from the Tomb Raider makers Crystal Dynamics. A release has not yet been revealed. But it has already been confirmed that the new offshoot of Perfect Dark will be exclusively for Xbox consoles and PC will appear.

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