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This was the untimely fall of Evenepoel that deprived him of revalidating his title of Belgian champion

This was the untimely fall of Evenepoel that deprived him of revalidating his title of Belgian champion

Senormous shame the one who has suffered Remco Evenepoel in the time trial of the Belgian national championships. The world champion, top favorite today, suffered a sharp fall in one of the curves of the course, ending up in a ditch.

The soil visibly wet from the rain that was falling at that time has been a key factor in the lack of control of the ‘goat’ by Remco Evenepoel. Finally, he finished in fourth position on a day where Wout Van Aert was proclaimed Belgian time trial champion.

Do not go to the Tour, nor to the Vuelta

Fortunately, in this fall, which has not prevented him from continuing in the time trial, it will not have repercussions for the great objectives of his season since the Belgian will not go to the Tour de France, nor will he go to the Tour of Spain, as his sports director Patrick Lefevere I commented.

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