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This water purifier is smart and super efficient! -40%! | Tom’s Hardware

I purifiers d’aria are dubbio tra gli elettrodomestici più utili da avere in casa, giacché rendono l’ambiente più sano, eliminando ogni traccia di battery o inquinamento. Ebbene, is close to an efficient model and endowed with smart functionality I saw the Rowenta Pure Air Geniusoggi 40% discount on Amazon!

Potrete, infatti, spendere only €249.99 instead of 419.99€ per il purificatore d’aria, risparmiando, dunque, ben €170.00. Inoltre, still have another way of opting for it payment at rate at rate zero With Cofidis, Amazon’s trusted line of credit, rendering the purchase even more accessible.

Il Rowenta Pure Air Genius will start filtering f100% pure allegergeni and 99.9% fine particelle d’aria sottili Eat viruses and batter from your domestic environment in about 4 minutes. To do this, the purifier monitors the water pollution in real time, automatically regulating the filter speed and catching the noise pollution.

One of the strengths of the Pure Air Genius is its high coverage: sarà Capable of purifying fine surfaces up to 140 square meters, il tutto emettendo pochissimo rumore. Potrete, quindi, farlo will work even this night without any hassle, obtaining clean air every day and reducing allergy and asthma symptoms.

Finally, the purifier has a Wi-Fi connection, thank you for having the power to connect it with the dedicated app to enjoy it smart functionality. In this way, duque, connect it to the other devices of the smart home, controlling it remotely through the smartphone and the voice assistants.

Ciò detto, there is no rest che rimandarvi alla pagina dedicata al Rowenta Pure Air Genius. Our council is what I gave I will complete the first amount of your purchasedata that the short availability may end shortly!

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