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This well-known dessert will help you show off your hair, nails and skin

This well-known dessert will help you show off your hair, nails and skin

The hair and nail loss, It can be a secondary effect of stress, which affects 54% of the Spanish population according to the European Institute of Positive Psychology, or also a poor diet, among other causes. But in the case of women, the hormonal changes they also have a lot to do with it and can even alter the hydration or flexibility of the skin. So to combat these changes, in addition to encouraging you to include the recommended vitamins for women, this time we bring you the dessert that can help you in this process and that you should include in your day to day.

A dessert known all over the world that can help you show off your hair, skin, nails and teeth and that can also be your ally to lose weight by being a food Low in calories. Still don’t know what dessert we’re talking about? Read on to find out.

The dessert that will help strengthen your hair, nails and skin

The food or dessert that we are going to talk about in this case is a great source of collagen, basic gelatin, as well as being low in calories. All this makes it a healthy, delicious dessert, but above all a great ally to include in the daily diet for weight loss, but also to enjoy the rest of its benefits.

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And it is that, as we have already told you, this food consumed on a regular basis, can help you improve the health of your hair, nails and skin. In case you haven’t guessed it yet, we’re talking about gelatin.

A type of dessert popular all over the world and loaded with health benefits, which stands out above all for being rich in collagen. An essential protein found in the skin, hair, nails and teeth and that therefore, it can help you strengthen all these parts by improving their appearance and health.

By helping to strengthen hair, nails and skin, it will also help improve skin elasticity, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

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In the case of nails, it helps make them less prone to breakage and promotes their growth. As for the hair, this will look more resistant to falling and with a healthier appearance.

In addition to its collagen content, gelatin is also rich in other nutrients such as keratin, hyaluronic acid and minerals such as zinc, copper and siliconwhich also play a fundamental role in the health and growth of hair, nails and skin.

Health benefits of gelatin

In addition to helping to strengthen hair, nails, and skin, gelatin also offers other benefits to health:

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  • Joint Health: The collagen present in gelatin can help maintain and improve joint health. And, it can help reduce pain and inflammation in the joints, as well as improve mobility and flexibility.
  • Digestion and intestinal health: Gelatin has amino acids such as glycine and glutamine, both beneficial for intestinal health. They can help strengthen the intestinal barrier, while improving digestion and promoting the health of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Improves sleep: The glycine present in gelatin has relaxing properties and can help improve the quality of sleep. It can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, improve the quality of deep sleep, and reduce daytime sleepiness. Evidence of this is found in a study published in the journal Sleep in 2007 who examined the effects of oral administration of glycine on sleep quality.
  • Bone health: Collagen and other nutrients found in gelatin, such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, are essential for maintaining bone health. They can help strengthen bones, prevent bone loss, and reduce the risk of conditions like osteoporosis in menopause.

Gelatin, an allied food to lose weight

Gelatin can be considered, as we have already told you, an allied food to lose weight for several reasons. One of them has to do with the fact that gelatin is a low calorie food and it contains a significant amount of protein.

This means you can enjoy a serving of gelatin without adding a lot of calories to your total daily intake. In addition, its proteins are known for their ability to promote satiety and for help control appetitesomething that can be beneficial to control body weight.

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On the other hand, when choosing gelatin as part of a diet to lose weight, it is preferable to opt for options without added sugar and without dyes. And it is that, many commercial jellies contain sugar and other artificial additivessomething that increases its caloric content and can be detrimental to weight loss goals.

Instead, it is best that you opt for sugar free jellies or naturally sweetened, such as those sweetened with stevia or erythritol. You can also choose to prepare your own homemade jelly using natural fruit juices no added sugar This is something that will help you control the ingredients and avoid unnecessary additives.

But above all remember that for gelatin to be useful as part of a weight loss strategy, it is important to always combine it with a balanced and healthy diet in general. In addition, regular physical activity is also essential for you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

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