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Those who kicked Fernando would already be marked

Yesterday they began to declare who was convicting Fernando / Télam

Two friends of Fernando Báez Sosa yesterday identified Máximo Thomsen, Luciano Pertossi and Enzo Comelli, as three of the defendants who would have attacked him with “kicks to the head, chest and jaw” and said that at least two of them, They beat him when he was “on the floor” at the door of the Villa Gesell nightclub, in January 2020.

Meanwhile, a third witness who was part of Fernando’s group, located the rugby player Ayrton Viollaz at the scene of the beating, shouting as a harangue “and now” and preventing them from coming to defend him.

“I know that Thomsen hit him, I would say in the chest; The one who took me out (by Luciano Pertossi) is the one who was kicking the side of the head and I don’t remember the rest of the aggressors,” said witness Lucas Filardi, the first of Fernando’s friends to testify yesterday. before Court No. 1 of Dolores.

For his part, the second friend who testified, Juan Bautista Besuzzo, identified Comelli as the first of the rugby players to attack Fernando.

“If I had to say (who hit first) it is Enzo Comelli (…) I recognized him in the circle and by how he was dressed” in the videos, the young man mentioned, who then described that this rugby player was the one who gave Fernando “one of the first blows and brought him to his knees” and then Thomsen gave him “three kicks to the jaw”.

The two young people agreed that the conflict began inside “Le Brique”, when there were a lot of people and there was a clash between the rugby players and another of the group’s friends, Julián García, although the security officers took the men out onto the street. Fernando when he approached to separate them.

Regarding this situation, Filardi recalled that when he asked Fernando what had happened, he replied: “They hit Juli, I told them to stop and there they were merciless with me.”

Besuzzo also recounted that Fernando told him that he had not done anything, but that he approached to try to separate.

“The feeling at the time was that the attack was directed at Fernando and that when any of us wanted to prevent this, they took us out, they didn’t let us help him,” that witness described.

Then he recalled that he yelled “stop, stop” and received “a pineapple that he did not expect,” so he crossed the street and asked the patovicas for help, who “did not respond.”

The one who could not testify, because she was not in a mental condition, was the victim’s girlfriend, Julieta Rossi. His father Oscar, who did, assured that what he saw “I wouldn’t wish it on even the worst animal in the middle of the field. Having a Fernando lying down and waiting to be entered in a drawer ”.

Finally, it was learned that María Graciela Sosa Osorio, the mother of Fernando Báez Sosa, suffered a spike in blood pressure and had to receive medical attention in the room.

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