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Thousands evacuated before the advance of the fire in Tenerife, Canary Islands

Thousands evacuated before the advance of the fire in Tenerife, Canary Islands

The islands’ regional government said more than 4,000 people were ordered to evacuate on Saturday, adding to the 4,500 people who had to flee the Atlantic island, which has about 1 million people and is a popular destination. tourist.

Many more people are expected to leave.

The Canaries, like a good part of the Spanish mainland, have suffered from a drought for a good part of recent years. Rainfall has fallen below average due to patterns altered by climate change.

Meanwhile, the continental territory is preparing to suffer a new heat wave. The state weather service warned on Saturday that the temperature will increase in the coming days and in some parts it will reach 40 C (104 F).

This year’s heat records are surpassing last year’s amid a prolonged drought that has authorities on fire alert.

The Canary Islands emergency service later said the number of evacuees “could exceed 26,000,” according to provisional estimates based on the island’s census. He added that evacuees will be directed to shelters.

The regional government said that “the fire is far from the capacity to extinguish” due to the heat, drought and strong winds that fan the flames. Firefighters have been unable to establish a perimeter around the flames, which have already consumed 5,000 hectares (12,355 acres).

“This fire has another dimension, never seen in the Canaries,” said Governor Rosa Dávila.

No casualties have been reported since the fire broke out Tuesday night.

Some 265 firefighters are battling the flames with the help of 19 aircraft, with more help on the way, the central government said.

FOUNTAIN: Associated Press

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