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Thousands of Israelis march in occupied West Bank

Thousands of Israelis, including right-wing ministers and lawmakers, took part in a heavily guarded march to a settlement post in the occupied West Bank today.

The route led to the Eviatar outpost south of the Palestinian city of Nablus. The aim was to show solidarity with the Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

Two sisters were killed in an attack in the West Bank on Friday and their mother was seriously injured. The army continues to search for alleged Palestinian suspects. The opposition criticized that the solidarity march kept the security forces from their actual tasks in these tense times.

Settlements built illegally for the time being

Illegal settlements are referred to as “outposts”. Usually, settlers first set up containers on their desired land, which should eventually become permanent settlements. Palestinians are being cut off and kept off their land. The Eviatar outpost was evacuated about two years ago after an agreement with the residents. However, members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing religious government are seeking legalization and resettlement of Eviatar. Palestinians from nearby towns claim the land as their property. Several Palestinians have been killed during protests at the site in recent years.

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