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Threats, kicks and ties: brutal entrance to an 83-year-old retiree in La Plata

A group made up of four armed and hooded criminals committed a brutal entrance this Wednesday morning, when intercepted an 83-year-old retiree at the door of his house and savagely assaulted him to rob him. as far as he could tell episode was recorded at 86 and 119, around 9, after the victim took his vehicle out onto the street.

At that moment, those involved appeared out of nowhere and They surprised him at the moment when he was about to close the gate. After grabbing him from behind, they threatened him and forced him to enter the property where they finally subdued him. His wife, who was inside, noticed the situation, hid and notified a neighbor to call the police.

In the interim, the suspects tied the man up and turned him face down while kicking him and demanding dollars. In addition, they threatened to kill him if he did not deliver what they asked for. The truth is that, after a few minutes of terror, they seized some belongings and fled in their vehicle.

Subsequently, the victim received assistance, since He ended up with a cut on his forehead and pain in the chest area from the blows he receiveds. Meanwhile, the criminals could not yet be located by the authorities and remain at large.

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