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Three dead in a shooting in the United States, the shooter committed suicide

The shooter who killed three people and injured at least five on Monday February 13 on a campus in Lansing, west of Detroit in the United States, killed himself after a vast manhunt, announced the police.

Gun control: “There is a culture of fear in the United States”

“We have three confirmed deaths. This is in addition to the five victims who have been taken to hospital.”tweeted Michigan State University (MSU) police. According to her, several of the injured were in serious condition.

“We lived a nightmare”

The suspect opened fire shortly after 8 p.m. (2 a.m. Paris time on Tuesday, February 14) in a university building, before heading to another building where gunshots were also heard, said Chris Rozman, acting campus police chief.

Hundreds of law enforcement personnel searched for the suspect, including police posted pictures : a short black man wearing a denim jacket, red shoes and a baseball cap. Shortly after midnight, police announced that he had committed suicide not far from the scene of the shooting.

“The suspect in this incident has been located outside the MSU campus”, said Chris Rozman. He “died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound”. “We really had a nightmare tonight. We are relieved to no longer have an ongoing threat on campus”he confided.

No details on the shooter’s motives

Police, who quickly arrived on the scene after the shooting, had ordered students (nearly 50,000 enrolled at MSU) and campus staff to self-isolate. The university suspended all activity for 48 hours.

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The police also refused to give details of the victims, in particular whether they were students or university staff. And she was unable to say if the shooter had any connection with the university, one of the best in the United States, but she stressed that she had no knowledge of recent threats concerning this establishment.

“Tonight, let’s wrap our arms around the Spartan community”Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer tweeted after the shooting, referring to the university’s logo, a Greek warrior helmet.

The United States pays a very heavy price for the dissemination of firearms on its territory and the ease with which Americans have access to them. The country has more individual weapons than inhabitants: one in three adults owns at least one weapon and nearly one in two adults lives in a home where there is a weapon. The consequence of this proliferation is the very high rate of death by firearm in the United States, without comparison with that of other developed countries.

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