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Three journalists reported missing in Guerrero

Jesús Guerrero / Reform Agency

Tuesday, January 10, 2023 | 4:31 p.m.

Chilpancingo.- The Human Rights Commission of the State of Guerrero (CDHEG) demanded that the authorities find the whereabouts of the journalists Jesús Pintor Alegre, Fernando Moreno Villegas and Alán García Aguilar, who are missing.

“(The CDHEG) will follow up on the case so that their safety is guaranteed in favor of the disappeared journalists and their prompt location is achieved,” it said in a statement.

“In the same way, this defense body calls on the authorities in charge of the investigation to carry it out diligently and in accordance with the principles of legality and that the actions taken are with strict respect for human rights.”

In a video that was broadcast on social networks, Moreno Villegas and García Aguilar, who identify themselves as administrators of the “Escenario Calentano” news portal, appear chained by hands and feet.

“We are here paying the consequences of the publications that were made against the different people from the different regions of Tierra Caliente de Michoacán, the State of Mexico and Guerrero,” says Moreno Villegas, who wears a red shirt and jean pants and together with his partner are barefoot.

“Escenario Calentano was created five years ago, I was the one who created the page five years ago,” says García Aguilar, who wears a black shirt with bright reds and jean pants.

Jesús Pintor Alegre is not in the video, who according to unofficial information was deprived of his liberty 15 days ago.

The communicator was for several years a correspondent in Chilpancingo for the newspaper Jornada-Guerrero.

Later he moved to Ciudad Altamirano, in the Tierra Caliente region, where he continued working in that medium and others in the same area.

Meanwhile, journalists protested outside the facilities of the state delegation of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), in Chilpancingo, to demand that the government locate their colleagues.

In a document, the protesters say that, in the last 20 years, at least 21 journalists have been killed in Guerrero, in addition to the fact that there are currently communicators with forced displacement in the regions of Costa Grande, Tierra Caliente, Zona Norte and La Montaña Baja.

The letter, delivered at the office, is addressed to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda and the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH).

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