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Three simple tips to stop being disturbed by your WhatsApp groups

Having become a daily tool for work, friends or the family circle, WhatsApp is as practical as it can become annoying. Here’s how to take back control.

Arousing thousands of reactions online, an American father said stop: “I can’t take it anymore”. The photos to be loved, the stories to be laughed at, the anecdotes to be ecstatic about… in short, the daily life of a family WhatsApp group. And for those like him who can’t take it anymore, here are three ways to stop being bothered.

• Leave the group (discreetly)

Inevitably, this is the most radical method. Just click on the title of the group and then click on “Leave group”. Previously, this maneuver frankly lacked discretion since the whole group was informed of your departure. Since the October 2022 update, only group administrators are informed (remember to update your application).

How to leave a WhatsApp group © BFMTV

• Mute notifications and archive chat

If leaving a family group is diplomatically complicated, you can simply mute group notifications. You will no longer hear from the group (although it will still exist in your app). You can then archive the discussion so that it no longer appears directly in the groups column but in the “Archived” folder.

To mute the notifications, just click on the name of the group then select “Notifications in silent mode” then “Always”.

To archive (or unarchive) the group, you must click on the arrow pointing down next to the name of the group (or right-click) in the left column. Then select “Archive chat”.

How do I archive a group? © BFM TV

• Slam the door (more or less polite)

And if the best method was to assume his departure? You can announce that you are leaving a group so that you no longer want to be disturbed, like the American father.

What if the truth was the best solution? © BFM TV

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