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Three weeks after the election we are already in a tie: Alejandra Del Moral

  • With 17 days ahead to continue touring the State of Mexico, the alliance said that the entity will have a defender of the rights of ejidatarios and community members.

Amecameca, State of Mexico, May 14, 2023.- Surrounded by hundreds of militants and supporters in the beautiful natural setting that covers the Los Volcanes area, Alejandra Del Moral Vela, candidate for the Va por el Estado de México coalition, assured that the polls position her in a tie against the standard bearer of Morena, Delfina Gómez.

We started 42 days ago, many said that it was impossible for us to win this election, today I can assure you that we are going to win because we are tied and we still have 17 days to continue touring the state, he stressed.

With excitement at its peak, the attendees gave themselves up to listen to the proposals of the former mayor, who promised that she will work in favor of agriculture and hand in hand with experts to strengthen and improve the quality of products from the Mexican countryside.

In terms of security, the standard bearer of the PRI, PAN, PRD and Nueva Alianza promised that during her administration she will double the number of security cameras with the construction of two C5s and one of them will be in the municipality of Amecameca.

“In the Volcanoes region, one of the most beautiful in the state, I promise to invest to take care of our forests and the environment for their conservation because they also represent the future of our daughters and sons,” he pointed out.

Previously, during his visit to the municipality of Ecatzingo, he said that given the disappearance of Financiera Rural, financing programs will be created through the Instituto Mexiquense del Emprendedor and actions that favor greater productivity will be implemented in the Secretariat of the Field.

The countryside comes first, said Del Moral Vela, by engaging with producers and ranchers to work in coordination and take advantage of the good regional agro-climatic conditions and the great experience they have to strengthen the production of honey, avocado, coffee, vegetables and fruit, among others. .

The defense of the rights of ejidatarios and community members will be created for the first time in the state, to defend their lands and protect their rights, he added.

Del Moral Vela was accompanied by the former governor of Puebla, Melquiades Morales Flores, the Coordinator of the entity’s PRD deputies, Omar Ortega, and also thanked the PRI deputy, Elías Rescala Jiménez, for his support.

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