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Thrilling duel against relegation: Eisbären beat Augsburger Panther 4: 3 in extra time

Given the constellation that the 13th receives the 14th in the table, one could expect that the polar bears and the Augsburg Panthers would exchange blows intensively. However, the drama of this 4: 3 after extra time (1: 0, 0: 3, 2: 0, 1: 0) clearly exceeded expectations for the hosts.

After it initially looked like a serious setback for the Berliners in the fight for relegation because they were 1:3 behind in the meantime, they fought their way back thanks to two power play goals and were even able to celebrate two important points in the end because Frank Mauer Eisbären and the fans redeemed 30 seconds before the end of overtime.

10 points ahead of the Swabians, who still have two more games to play. While the polar bears have no games on Sunday and can work through this performance, Augsburg will play against leaders RB Munich.

In front of a crowd of 13,287, the hosts were surprisingly focused from the start given the importance of the game. Accordingly, Zach Boychuk scored the opening goal (9th) in the first majority of the game.

The compensation completely upset the polar bears

Despite the visual superiority in the first third, no further hits followed. Goalkeeper Tobias Ancicka, who guarded the goal after the sovereign 2-0 win in Nuremberg on Sunday, was not seriously in trouble either, except for a chance from ex-polar bear Marcel Barinka.

It looked different from the fifth minute of the middle section. Suddenly Ancicka lost track of where the puck is currently, which was hiding somewhere under his bulky equipment.


Points is the lead over Augsburg now.

He was able to defuse the first attempt by the Panthers, who came to the target first, with a defender’s protector, but Ryan Kuffner’s follow-up shot ended up in the net. Which made sure that the fans loudly backed the keeper.

Nevertheless, the compensation had an impact – and in an extreme way. Because he not only acted as a small damper, but also let the Berlin game collapse completely. Less than a minute and a half later, Sebastian Wännström made it 2-1 for the guests and then Andrew Leblanc even made it 3-1 (32nd).

Which made it clear that a possible comeback that evening would be a very difficult path. Suddenly there was a panic again to make mistakes, which had already caused some defeats this season. Their own attacks were not consistently brought to an end.

The Augsburgers had recently lost tours just before the final siren and gave away important points. In order to do something similar to them, an effect hit was needed. And he succeeded – how could it have been otherwise – again in the majority. Kevin Clark was allowed to celebrate in the 50th minute.

When the door to the penalty box opened again five and a half minutes before the end, some spectators had the right inspiration and rose from their seats. A minute later Kevin Clark was there again, leveling the game again with the third power play goal in the third majority of the evening and giving the game another dramatic twist.

Frank Mauer had a great chance early on in extra time to decide the game, but the striker missed the opportunity to counterattack. He struck just before the end of extra time. But this goal also had its dramatic moment. The party was temporarily stopped because the referees consulted the video evidence. But the goal counted, and seldom was the joy of two points as great as on this evening.

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