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Thus the disinformation: They attack the minister of the SCJN with photos of his imperial majesty Silverio

Fake news is in order and if we don’t get alive, we fall into one of those. Although what we are going to tell you is also situated in a context of attacks, which reproduce disinformation, as happened to a member of the Committee to renew the INE, by sharing photos of, Silverio? to discredit a minister of the SCJN.

Yeah, to his imperial majesty Silverio It ended up with this whole thing about the attacks and the misinformation. And as the meme says, here we tell you why that or what happened.

Photo: SCJN-Cuartoscuro.

SCJN minister attacked with photos of His Imperial Majesty, Silverio

goes his sopipeso context, before leaving with the photos of Silverio: you can see that at the moment there is a discussion of how plan B of the Electoral Reform reached the Supreme Court —after it had already been approved by Congress.

The INE filed a dispute claim with the SCJN and this institution opened its doors, via the minister Javier Laynez, who admitted the lawsuit and therefore granted the stay against plan B.

Photo: @galvanochoa

This means that the plan B of the Electoral Reform will be frozen here for the SCJN to take a look at the INE controversy, discuss it and decide what to proceed.

Now, yes, let’s go with the photos of his imperial majesty. In this context, in networks they were rolling photos of Silverio, peeeeeero awarded to Minister Javier Laynez.

And, well, what do you think? The photos reached several accounts, including people whose opinion has a good weight in networks —and in the case that we are going to tell you about, politics and the government.

“Delivery of the Moral Card”. Photo: Moisés Pablo-Cuartoscuro.

As was the case with the columnist for The Conferencecreator of the Moral Primer and member of the Technical Evaluation Committee on the 4 positions that will be renewed at the INE, Enrique Galvan Ochoa.

Enrique Galván Ochoa took time to quote a tweet with photos of Silverio – awarded gacho Minister Laynez, with this legend: “Robe by day, thong by night”. And the attacks kept rolling.

until he apologized

Many made the member of the Technical Committee aware of the error into which he had fallen and that was the only way as he lowered his publication, saying that it was all a “lamentable error”.

Photo: @Pedronndez1

“By regrettable mistake I RTed and added a comment to a photo circulating on TT associating the image of a Supreme Court Justice with @Silveriornr. The TT was deleted. I offer you an apologize”.

Thus the misinformation and attacks among experts, which even made His Imperial Majesty react with: “They go from c *******”, although yes, the rt of memes of that fake news they did not miss

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