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Ticket sales exceed one million for the Women’s Soccer World Cup

More than 1 million tickets have been sold for next month’s Women’s Soccer World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, meaning the tournament is on track to be the most watched in-person soccer tournament ever. female sport.

FIFA president Gianni Infantino said in a statement that 1,032,884 tickets had been sold as of Friday morning Sydney time, surpassing the number obtained in the 2019 cup in France.

With two hosts, Australia and New Zealand, the 2023 World Cup sees an increase in the number of teams, from 24 to 32. There are 64 matches scheduled for the tournament.

“I am happy to share with the world that FIFA has passed the million ticket sales mark,” said Infantino.

“This means that with just over a month to go, this World Cup is on its way to being the most watched in person in the history of the Women’s Soccer World Cup. The future is a woman and thanks to the fans for supporting what will be the biggest World Cup”, added Infantino.

The total number of places to watch the World Cup in Canada in 2015 exceeded 1.35 million when the number of teams rose to 24 of 16.

The tournament begins with the New Zealand match against Norway in Group A at East Park Stadium in Auckland, followed by the match between Australia and Ireland in Group B at Stadium Australia in Sydney.

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