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TikTok towards a total ban in the United States, soon France? The social network sends data to China

Shou Zi Chew, CEO of TikTok, was questioned by US authorities. Under the influence of a possible ban on its application on American territory, the leader admits that American user data transits to China to be consulted by its employees but not by the Chinese government.

Tiktok © Pixabay

The United States rejects certain companies coming from China by accusing them proximity to the Chinese Communist Party. Huawei has not escaped this, just like TikTok, whose algorithm will be examined by the Senate in France.

In the United States, the future of the social network is threatened since Shou Zi Chew, leader of TikTok, was questioned by senators. During his hearing, the CEO of the application acknowledged that some data transits to China. A confession that marks the end of TikTok there and, perhaps, soon in France?

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TikTok CEO admits data is flowing through China

Shou Zi Chew is generally quite discreet but today, everyone only talks about his speech in front of the American senators. As AFP explains, the CEO of TikTok acknowledged that US user data transits to China to be viewed by employees. The manager of the application therefore specifies that these elements will no longer be subject to Chinese rules in the future.

However, this statement is blessed bread for Cathy Roger, Chair of the Energy and Commerce Commission who retorts: “ Your platform must be banned “. According to her, TikTok chose “ the path to more control, more surveillance and more manipulation ».

Shou Zi Chew says TikTok will no longer use US user data in China. Faced with this possible ban which jeopardizes their business, influencers protested during the hearing. As a reminder, these same stars of social networks are in the sights of the French authorities.

Knowing the political proximity between the United States and France, longtime allies, a ban on TikTok in our territory could follow but nothing is decided yet. The app can still get away with it.

Read > TikTok: accused of being China’s spy, the application will soon be banned in the United States

Can TikTok avoid total ban in the United States?

TikTok still has a loophole that it does not seem ready to seize, arguing that these changes do not lead to restrictions on the transit of data to China. And for good reason, the United States government invites Chinese shareholders of the application to sell their shares and, you can imagine, to Americans. Thus, the company would avoid being banned from the USA, a major market where its users are extremely numerous.

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