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TikTok user uses artificial intelligence to turn famous Chileans into superheroes

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs have helped accelerate many advances and discoveries, but they have also served for entertainment. On this occasion, a TikTok user has revealed what some famous Chileans would look like as superheroes.

The tiktoker is also from Chile and is called Pablo Zapata, according to the report published on the website of Bio Bio Chile. The recent weekend went viral, reaching more than 5,000 followers, more than 211,000 likes, after sharing two videos on the social network in which he showed various celebrities in the country as heroes.

The netizen did not reveal which AI program he used, but from the results and what was seen previously, it seems to be midjourneywhich, like the different versions of OpenIA’s DALL-E, is an artificial intelligence app with which users can create images from textual descriptions.

The application has not yet been officially launched and is still in its beta phase, open to the public and to Internet users who want to try it. On this occasion, the tiktoker asked the AI ​​to show Chilean celebrities like Fica bass drum as if they were superheroes.

Bombo Fica, Marcianeke, Pailita and more

In the first video, Zapata explains: “I have asked an Artificial Intelligence to transform people from Chilean television into superheroes”.

With that preamble, we can see Bombo Fica with an athlete’s body and his characteristic white suit, Miguelito, Salfate, Pancho Saavedra, Junior Playboy and Lucho Jarathe latter with air to Kano Mortal Kombat.

In the other video, the tiktoker asked artificial intelligence to generate superhero images with urban Chilean artists. In the clip we can see Marcianeke, Pailita, Pablo Chill-E and Polimá Westcoast, who looks like Batman.

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